
区分, 文献内容


Masato Saito and Heiichi Yamamoto, “Sequence assignment and performance evaluations of multi code CDMA system with Gold sequences in quasi-synchronous situations,” International Workshop on Sequence DEsign and Applications for CDMA Systems (IWSDA'2001), pp138-145, Sep. 2001


Masato Saito, Takaya Yamazato, Hiraku Okada, Masaaki Katayama and Akira Ogawa, “Generation of sets of sequences suitable for multicode transmission in quasi-synchronous CDMA systems,” IEICE Trans. Commun., vol.E84-B, no.3, pp576-580, Mar. 2001


Masato Saito, Takaya Yamazato, Masaaki Katayama and Akira Ogawa, “Throughput performance of CDMA slotted ALOHA systems based on average packet success probability considering bit-to-bit dependence,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E84-A, no.2, pp653-659, Feb. 2001