区分 | 文献内容 | |
国際会議論文 |
Koji Ohuchi, Tadahiro Wada, Hiraku Okada and Masato Saito,
“Proposal of an Iterative Channel Information Estimation Scheme on
Multi-hop Networks,” International Conference on Information,
Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2007), 12 Dec. 2007 |
国際会議論文 |
Takashi Nakamura, Satoshi Kimura, Masato Saito and Minoru
Okada, “A Novel Low Complexity Clipping Method for OFDM Signals,”
International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems
(ICSPCS 2007), 19 Dec. 2007 |
国際会議論文 |
Hiroki Sugano and Ryusuke Miyamoto, “A Real-Time Object
Recognition System on Cell Broadband Engine,” Advances in Image and
Video Technology (Proc. of IEEE Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video
Technology (PSIVT2007)), vol.LNCS 4872, pp932-943, Dec. 2007 |
学術論文誌 |
Mayumi Osato, Hiroyuki Kobashi, Robert Y. Omaki, Takao Hara
and Minoru Okada, “Signal Canceller in the Carrier Super-positioning
Satellite Networks,” Journal of Communications JCM, Vol 2, No.7,
pp.68-76, 2007, vol.issue 7, 2007, 2 Nov. 2007 |
学術論文誌 |
Khoirul Anwar, Takao Hara, Minoru Okada and Heiichi
Yamamoto, “Digital Terrestrial Television Transmission over OFDM/FM
Using Satellite Communications System,” Electronics and Communications
in Japan, Johne Wiley Periodicals,Inc., 2007 (Translate from IEICE,
Vol.J89-B,No.11,November 2006.), vol.Vol.90, no.No.11, pp74-84, Nov.
2007 |
国際会議論文 |
Hiroki Takahashi, Khoirul Anwar, Masato Saito and Minoru
Okada, “Low complexity Fourier transform using double square-waves,”
2007 International Symposium on Communications and Information
Technologies (ISCIT 2007), vol.1, no.1, pp921-925, 19 Oct. 2007 |
国際会議論文 |
Soo-hwan Kim, Takao Hara, Minoru Okada and Masato Saito, “A
study on the adaptive RF front-end for power consumption ISDB-T
receiver,” IEEE Militaly Communications Conference 2007 (MILCOM2007), 28
Oct. 2007 |
国内学会大会等 |
木村 聡, 齋藤 将人, 岡田 実, “ディープクリッピング法による OFDM 信号のピーク電力削減手法,” 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, vol.B-5, no.7, pp392, 2007.9.13 |
学術論文誌 |
Hiraku Okada, Masato Saito, Tadahiro Wada and Kouji Ohuchi,
“Performance Analysis of Source-Destination ARQ Scheme for Multiroute
Coding in Wireless Multihop Networks,” IEICE Transactions on
Communications , vol.E90-B, no.8, pp2111-2119, 1 Aug. 2007 |
学術論文誌 |
大里まゆみ, 原 孝雄, 岡田 実, ““衛星通信キャリヤ重畳方式における遅延測定方式の安定化,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌B, Vol.J90-B,No.12,pp.1301-1313,Dec.2007., 2007.7 |
国際会議論文 |
Masayuki Hiromoto, Kentaro Nakahara, Hiroki Sugano, Yukihiro
Nakamura and Ryusuke Miyamoto, “A Specialized Processor Suitable for
Adaboost-Based Detection with Haar-Like Features,” in Proc. of IEEE
Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Jun. 2007 |
学術論文誌 |
Young-Cheol YU, Minoru Okada and Heiichi YAMAMOTO, “Dipole
Array Antenna Assisted Doppler Spread Compensator with MRC Diversity for
ISDB-T Receiver,” IEICE, vol.E90-B, no.5, pp1214-1221, May. 2007 |
国際会議論文 |
Khoirul Anwar and Minoru Okada, “On the High Speed Satellite
Communications System with Carrier Interferometry OFDM” ,” 25th AIAA
International Communications Satellite Systems Conference, 11 Apr. 2007 |
国際会議論文 |
Khoirul Anwar, Takao Hara, Minoru Okada, Masafumi Shigaki
and Kazunori Yamanaka and Ryutaro, “ “Performance Improvement of Ka-band
Small Earth Stations for WINDS by Utilizing Superconducting Filter”,”
25th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference, 11
Apr. 2007 |
国際会議論文 |
Mayumi Osato, Hiroyuki Kobashi, Robert Y.Omaki, Takao Hara
and Minoru Okada, “Development of Signal Canceller in the Carrier
Super-positioning Satellite Networks,” 3rd International Conference on
Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC2007), Mar. 2007 |
国内学会大会等 |
中村 隆志, 齋藤 将人, 岡田 実, “演算量の少ないOFDM信号のクリッピング法に関する一検討,” 電子情報通信学会総合大会, pp513, 2007.3.22 |
国内学会大会等 |
高橋 勇氣, 大内 浩司, 和田 忠浩, 岡田 啓, 齋藤 将人, “マルチホップネットワークにおける復号前後のビット比較による伝送路情報推定法の提案,” 電子情報通信学会総合大会, pp606, 2007.3.20 |
表彰・受賞 |
Takao Hara, Minoru Okada, Mayumi Osato, Hiroyuki Kobashi and
Robert Y. Omaki, “Best Paper Award,” International Conference on
Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC-07), Mar. 2007 |
特許 |
原 孝雄, 大里まゆみ, “符号同期、遅延時間測定装置、制御方法,” 特願2006-317583, 2007.1 |